multiplying disciples of Christ among all people

Chinese Evangelical
Free Church

Gathering at CEFC

Connecting Hearts, Building Faith, Growing Together

Sunday Worship

Cantonese 9:30 am
Mandarin 9:30 am
English 11:15 am

Prayer Meeting

Whole Church
Prayer Meeting
Every Wed at 8pm

Sunday School

English Sunday School
9:30am to 10:45am

Cantonese & Mandarin classes
11:15am to 12:15pm

Our Mission

We glorify God by spreading the Gospel through words, deeds and relationships transformed by the Gospel –
from ourselves, to our families, our city and the ends of the earth.

What to expect

Thank you for visiting our church! Checking out a church for the first time can be intimidating or confusing. It’s our goal to make your first-time experience at CEFC as easy and hassle-free as possible. Expect to meet people of diverse background, be connected and journey together to know Christ and make Him known. We are serving our community through three languages (English, Cantonese & Mandarin) for all ages. It's our desire and joy to see everyone grow together in the love of God, and be built up through this church family. In our effort to stay connected with you, please take a moment to fill out a Connect Card. We would like to follow-up with you and help you find ways to get connected in our community.

Life together


We want to help you find a community you can laugh with, cry with, and grow spiritually with. Life is better together.